This is where you can come to get answers to most of your Covid-19 related questions in regards to recording and rehearsals with us. If you "don't believe in masks or vaccines" you can stop reading and click here. If you have some nuts and bolts rattling around up there....please read on.
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Regarding Rehearsals
Starting June 15th 2021 we are booking fully VACCINATED"single vocalist" full band hourly rehearsals! It's been 15 dark months.
In an attempt to keep ourselves, you and your bandmates safe we have some guidelines that you will be required to follow (I guess those are called rules then right?) for the time being, here they are:
- You MUST BE VACCINATED to participate in vocal rehearsals. We will ask you for proof upon your first return to the studio so have a digital copy of your paperwork we can look at. Can we legally require you to provide proof of vaccination? Good question, don't care, WE ARE.
- Yes, we still offer instrumental only rehearsals for partially unvaccinated groups.
- The front door will be locked, someone will let you in when your space is ready. New Code, who dis?
- Masks are required at all times (yes, from the second you step foot in the building until you leave, even while playing, even while peeing. We know this sucks (smelling your own breath) so you can wait until things are safer and we update this rule (tell me more Mr Prognosticator!) or you can get used to it and start enjoying life again.
- Sanitize your gross hands right when you get here (we want to watch....it puts the lotion in the basket) and anytime you go between spaces! We have sanitizer all over the place, if you are masked-up and have clean hands the risk of getting/giving Covid even in a small space is greatly reduced.
- Only ONE Vocalist! Say what? The easiest way to understand how singing moves spit particles around a small space is to think of singing a song as 3 minutes and 30 seconds of medium sized sneezes.....The louder the singing the bigger the sneeze and the longer the song the more sneezes. So we are gonna keep the non vocalists (my people) masked for a bit longer and keep the amount of "sneezing" in a small space to one person.
So that's pretty cool...
Locked door, Wear a mask, clean your hands, one singer.
Regarding Recording:
Also starting today (June 25, 2020) we are booking LIVE IN PERSON sessions again. The Studio is quite a bit easier to wrap your head around when it comes to isolation, what we do for sound isolation is largely airtight (so much caulk!), separated by distance and the performance spaces even have their own HVAC. So really the solution to keeping us all safe is figuring out the "people moving" aspects of getting you in and ready to track while also having enough space from each other to do it safely. Turns out its pretty easy!
Here is a VIDEO on how we do it!
If you just can't stand videos it kinda goes like this:
1. You show up, we meet you at the door (both in masks) and we walk you into whichever space you are going to be performing in.
2. We have a "control room" style setup with speakers, some comfy chairs, ProTools on a monitor and a standing "Vocal Booth" in our live room for you to use instead of standing over our shoulder for 8 hours like the good old days. 2 way talk-back as well.
3. Our live room has its own bathroom attached and a side entrance just for you to use for breaks and exit so you can avoid the front door.
4. Dave is handsome still. Those fucking eyes!
This is step one for us reopening, here are some of the changes....
As with rehearsals, We want to keep ourselves, you and your bandmates, even your bass player safe. We have some guidelines that you will be "required" to follow for the time being, here they are:
- The front door will be locked, someone will let you in when the space is ready, no more wandering in. We have side entrances too so if you prefer we can let you in one of those to avoid any possible traffic. Cell numbers are in all of our email correspondence signatures, call us when you get here!
- Masks are required!!! Whenever you are entering or traveling within the studio's common areas or occupying any space with another human (yes Matt Weber counts!) you need one on. Once you are ALONE with doors closed in whichever space you are performing or listening you can take your mask off. We have our "B" room set up with monitoring and talk-between the live room and Control Room A so extra band members can contribute and...well...sit there on their phones (in masks) together while you perform in another space.
- Sanitize your gross hands right when you get here (we want to watch....yes.....like that) and anytime you go between spaces! We have sanitizer all over the place, if you are masked-up and have clean hands the risk of getting/giving Covid even in a small spaces is greatly reduced.
We're still punk right...?
Locked door, Wear a mask, clean your hands, be alone.